A Valentine's Day Special: TyQuan "Love Puppet"

Over the past decade the artistic flow and meaning behind hip hop has slowly died off. Mainstream artist filling bars with punch lines about flashy jewelry, naked women and Miscato; it is easy to say that the lyrical MC is far out dated. 

Luckily for TRUE hip hop junkies, an MC by the name of TyQuan Thomas has breached the scene and has recaptured the sound of hip-hop through his musical story telling. Born on April 15th, 1988 in Northern California, TyQuan was raised by his grandmother and mother Chepelle Thomas. Being the oldest of eight siblings in a fatherless home TyQuan faced adult responsibilities at a young age, and sought after writing music as an escape. His writing has since been influenced by the death of his cousin, Deantwan Thomas, and he has slowly transformed himself into a lyrical story teller. 

TyQuan decided to release a dope joint Valentine's Day displaying a lot of lyrical content. Show some love for this Cali M.C. and check it out!! Produced by Amen Purgatory


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