Chicago's Southside has produced its share of talent, and Willie J Jr is the next to embody what it means to be a successful artist and Chicagoan. Hailing from the Greater Roseland Area community, the twenty-five year old artist is more concerned with the power of music than commercial popularity. Willie’s music always seems to capture his listeners with the topics he touches on. On the record S.H.A.R.K.S he speaks of the Chicago's grimey side, but on “Cooties” he speaks of situations with the opposite sex in a more entertaining and comical way. With a plethora of experiences from the melting pot that is Chicago, hard baselines, eerie synths, and real content, Willie J Jr is a small step away from taking a great leap into stardom.
Check out his latest video S.H.A.R.K.S.
Elite GFX and Willie J. Jr. present S.H.A.R.K.S
Shiesters, Hustler and Ruthless Killers Survive
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