Shyne Responds To The Game... Call's Him "His Son."
Shyne responded to Game's remarks in defense of Kendrick Lamar in an interview with StreetKode. "That's my son. I got love for him... He studied me, and he aspired to be like me. I always have love for him because he never fronted. He always paid homage to me."
Shyne would go on to explain how he would've acted had he known Game was close with Kendrick. "I might have not said nothin', because I have that much love and respect for Game."
Game said Shyne's West-Coast pass was revoked. Shyne decided to respond to that claim as well, "I'm certified worldwide... Wherever I go, I get the red carpet rolled out for me because I been about it... For these dudes to say they face what I faced and perform the way I performed, they can't say that."
- Sean Lynch (@Kiddfuture)
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