Jinx Gulo "Bells & Whistles"

Washington, DC Native, Jinx Gulo (of WiseGang) ends the 4th Quarter early Christmas Morning with his brand new project "Bells & Whistles". The consistency of his promotion for this project has led this mixtape to become highly anticipated. Jinx recently released a track entitled "Mona Lisa Blinkin", which is included on this mixtape. That record was extra dope.. I haven't heard the entire project yet. But if it sounds anything like that track or greater i'm not surprised. I first heard Jinx on Team Kreamate's debut project Welcome To Thee Inferno, as he laced the team with an epic verse. Then I began to do my own research and checked out his discography. Earlier this year of 2014, Jinx encountered a minor fued with Bmore hip hop rival Starrz. Jinx responded to Starrz Chiraq freestyle with Moment of Silence which had social media in a frenzy for a brief period of time. From there Jinx proceeded to be great and here we have it Bells & Whistles. The say every song on Bells & Whistles tells a story so i'm about to piece it together and I'll be back later with an official review of the entire project. Give it your ears! Oh yeah, Christmas Canceled!!!!!!!
Click Here to Download "Bells & Whistles"
Click Here to Download "Bells & Whistles"
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