Hoopmixtaped Volume 2 (Best Of 2012)

 Hoopmixtape releases they best plays over 2012 from NBA's best and top collegiate/high school prospects. This exclusive video includes players such as Chris Thomas, Shaquille Johnson, Paul George, Gerald Green, Patric Young, Will Barton, Rafal Lipinski, Kyle Davis, Chris Walker, Soma Edo, Jamal Gregory, Kendrick Nunn, Isaac Hamilton, Kyle Davis, Aquille Carr, Justise Winslow, Kyrie Irving, Chris Paul, Kobe Bryant, Renard Suggs, Marcus Lovett Jr, Aaron Gordon, PJ Hairston, Andrew Harrison, Aaron Harrison, Archie Goodwin, Carmelo Anthony, TJ Haws, Will Bunton, Boubacar Moungoro, Solomon Poole, Nolan Smith, Xavier Rathan-Mayes, Blake Griffin, JP Tokoto, Kenny Gabriel, John Wall, Chris Brown, Nigel Johnson, Glenn Feidanga, Marcelo Huertas, Justin "Jusfly" Darlington, Evan Nolte, Peyton Siva, Josh Newkirk, Gorgui Deng, Ed Daniel, Keith Frazier, Nigel Williams-Goss, Jordan Bell, Kevin Durant,and many more. Checkout this exclusive footage bought to by Hoopmixtape and The Archives.

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