The Music of Grand Theft Auto V

GTA 5's sound­track is avail­able now on iTunes. The three-volume com­pi­la­tion of orig­i­nal tracks, new tracks from well-known artists, and licensed songs appear­ing on the radio can accom­pa­ny you even out­side the con­fines of San Andreas.
The Music of Grand Theft Auto V's first vol­ume com­piles the game's orig­i­nal music from artists like Wavves, The Chain Gang of 1974, and Tyler, The Cre­ator. The sec­ond presents its orig­i­nal score--normally it dynam­i­cal­ly reacts to play­er actions across mis­sions and wan­der­ing around the world, but here it's lay­ered and arranged into a sort of mult-track over­ture.

Final­ly, the third vol­ume includes an eclec­tic selec­tion of 19 tracks from GTA 5's 17 ample radio sta­tions. You can check Rock­star's Newswire for a com­plete track list.
The col­lec­tion is avail­able as a whole for $25, or $10 for each indi­vid­ual vol­ume.


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